Turning 50: A Journey of Learning, Growth, and Legacy

Reaching 50 feels like a milestone that deserves reflection. It’s not just a number; it’s a testament to the experiences, challenges, and learning that have shaped me into who I am today. If you had told my younger self that I would go back to studying at 40, train in...

Empathy v Sympathy – What is the difference?

When we talk about emotional support, two words often come up: empathy and sympathy. While they might seem similar on the surface, they offer vastly different experiences to those in need of support. To illustrate, let’s consider the difference between these two...

Dealing with Anxiety

There are so many different types of anxiety. As a hypnotherapist as well as an integrative counsellor/psychotherapist, I can blend these two modalities together to bring about a lasting change. I also practice and teach Reiki which can also be introduced to therapy....

Reflection of 2023

As I reflect on 2023 it’s made me realise that there have been a lot of endings this year. To all of you who messaged me with your support at the time of the documentary, along with your stories of your own personal issues with both your own mental health/illness and...

Grief when your pet dies

Most of you that knew my beautiful long haired cat Miss Ruby would comment on what a special cat she was, and whilst I am going to be biased, I feel she was very special. When I first moved into my home, I used to see a black and white cat out the corner of my eye,...

Reflection of 2022

As it’s been a while since I wrote a blog I thought I would take the opportunity to reflect on what I have learnt over the last 12 months about myself and connect with you before the end of the year. One thing that I have learnt is that life is forever changing....

What is our life purpose?

This is a burning question that often comes into the therapy room. Even when we have every-thing we think we wanted, it still feels like something else is missing. When we try to determine what our Soul purpose may be, it would be a good idea to look at will-fulness...