Mental health and looking after YOU

I decided to write this blog because all we are hearing in the news is the need to stay home, protect the NHS, save lives. We hear the daily death rates due to COVID19 and since the 23rd March 2020 we have been in lockdown. It’s all about physical illness. Throughout...

Let’s talk about habits.

My last blog was about addiction so I thought it would be useful to do one about habits and explain what the difference is between the two. A habit may be described as:- • A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behaviour acquired through frequent repetition, where...


A habit can be described as someone having a choice as to whether they do something or not. Once brought to the conscious mind a habit can be changed. An addiction is something that cannot be overcome without help. People will go to great lengths to get what they...

Ambiguous loss

Ambiguous loss is a theory developed by Psychologist Pauline Boss, and it began in the 1970s while she was researching fathers who were detached from their families due to work or military deployment. She later expanded her research to include all losses involving...

How to cope with the crap

Life might be shit for some of you at the moment and you may even feel a need to detach or escape from life completely. If you are not stressed at the moment then you are doing very well. The collective sense of chaos, regardless of your political views being part of...

Weight loss hypnotherapy-10 week course

As someone who has yoyo dieted over the last 20 years and got so disillusioned by weight watchers and slimming world after losing weight and then regaining the weight, (and more on top), when I studied hypnotherapy, I realised that this could be a game changer for me....

Working with the inner child in counselling

Working with the inner child in therapy means working with the little boy or little girl within us so that we can reconnect with some of the reasons for our adult fears, insecurities, phobias and life patterns. By understanding them we can change those patterns so...

Past life regression and how it works in therapy

Over the last few years working as a hypnotherapist with clients through past life regression has really intrigued me. Contrary to popular belief I would say 90% of the past life regression that I have done have been clients going to lifetimes where they were poor,...

How do you support your child with mental health?

This is a really difficult time for parents, children, teenagers and young people at the moment. As someone who has been worried about their child there are a few things that I can recommend. It is extremely difficult if your child is living away and does not have the...